Thursday, July 19, 2012

How to Lose a Gut in (Less Than) 10 Days

 Unauthorized paparazzi photo of blogger taken at wedding site.
Wanna know the awful thing about being in a wedding? The fact that you work really hard to look your best for the big day, only to completely undo all of your previous efforts in a 72-hour string of celebrations just prior to the ceremony, and you end up looking your worst instead.

I'd done pretty well with my 30-day bridesmaid makeover. Honestly, I'm not a big scale watcher, because I believe health isn't always reflected in a magic number; however, I'd been pretty happy with the way my diet and exercise were helping me bring sexy back, as Justin Timberlake would say. There wasn't a whole lot of sexy to bring back, but I was at least cutting my losses. The week of the wedding, I was feeling pretty decent, and ready to rock a strapless gown without looking like my arms had some built-in floaties attached, or run the risk of getting asked when my due date was.

Then Thursday came. We took the bride-to-be out to Melting Pot, a restaurant dedicated to the glory of fondue in a variety of forms, the most important being cheese and chocolate. I had plenty of both. And maybe more than plenty. There may or may not have been some extra marshmallows that chose not to end their life in an ignominious trash heap, and instead died with dignity by being obliterated in my digestive juices.

And then Friday came. There was a bridesmaids' luncheon and a rehearsal dinner, neither of which consisted of hard-boiled eggs and quinoa. Which I would never expect at a wedding celebration. And I ate the meals with gusto. And I ran out of time to exercise, too.

Enter Saturday morning. The big day was here! Well, at least I had the big part down. I did a few desperate crunches and squats before my early morning hair appointment, but by that time the damage had been done. Thankfully, having fluffy hair and pretty make-up can take my mind off of almost any woe, but, truthfully, I really missed those neat little cuts I was getting on my abs from eating clean and working out. I like to think that I did my part to help the beautiful bride look even more glamorous by comparison.

I can't say that I've done any better since the last slice of wedding cake. We indulged in a few treats with out-of-town guests, and then it was the Hub's birthday. It began with waffles and ended with cookies. It was not pretty. But, while we are all about clean eating around here, I *do* like to spoil the guy on his special day. And, frankly, as much as I love this health scene, I've learned that it's way cooler to take a balanced approach to life and enjoy a birthday or special occasion than be one of those freaks who bakes a cake for a friend and refuses to eat it at her party. And, yes, I've done that. And that is how I know that it is truly a freakish thing to do. People end up thinking you've laced it with arsenic or something.

So, how do I plan to get back on track? Is it really possible to lose a guy gut in 10 days?  The answer is simple: go back to what I was doing before and watch the yuckiness disappear. And, yes, it can be gone in 10 days. Or less.

See, for some reason, whenever we eat foods that send our blood sugar on a roller coaster ride, our body chooses to deposit its newly-minted fat cells right where we want them least: our bellies. Frankly, I have a number of other suggestions of where to put it, but it never seems to work that way. And you know the worst part about having fat added to our waistline? Other than the fact that muffin tops are not--nor ever will be--in vogue? Abdominal fat actually puts us at a much higher risk for a bunch of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. Even if we aren't clinically obese or anything like that, a larger waist size (greater than 35 inches for us ladies) is a big problem. I mean, who wants to increase their risk of dying from heart disease by 300%, or risk of metabolic syndrome by close to 400%? And try this one on for size:

"Women with waist sizes of 35 inches or more were found to be 79% more likely to die from all causes of mortality at a given age compared to women with the smallest waist sizes (28 inches or less)."

Yikes! I sure don't want to lose in the game of Life to some skinny girl who can still shop at 5-7-9, do you?

I say we level the playing field a bit and take the skinny girls down with us.

Anyway, the beautiful thing about low-glycemic eating is that it converts food into fuel, not fat. And when we don't have to find somewhere to stash all those extra fat cells, we can let our glucagon do its job as a fat-burning hormone, and watch our waistlines waist waste away. And it really works. Fast. Our bodies are incredibly responsive to changes in food intake. I mean, part of my belly is already gone because I'm not cramming it with fondue and cake everyday. Add in consciously good choices to the lack of bad choices, and you've got yourself a flatter gut in no time.

Believe me, I'm not making this up. The average health class student who modifies their eating to include two certified low-glycemic meal-replacement shakes a day, complemented by a protein-laden soup for dinner loses 5 pounds in just one week. Better yet, that weight is coming off where it counts, right in the old mid-section. I love the fact that they can satisfy their desire to be thin and decrease their risk for disease all at once. Killing two birds with one stone never looked better.

Now that all our events are over, it's back to the old grindstone for yours truly. I'll gladly trade in my waffles for eggs, and my fondue for a summer smoothie. And I'll trade in my gut for those cuts I was working on. You know what? Losing a gut in 10 days isn't a bad payoff for a little discipline.

Bonus Tip: Care to join me in a 10-day challenge? Follow this handy-dandy link to register for a 10-Day Jumpstart to a healthier you. You'll get lots of awesome online education, as well as the ability to do one-on-one phone coaching with yours truly, who, incidentally, *is* as fabulous and weird in real life as I am on this blog. When you register, tell them the crazy blogger girl sent you. That ought to scare them into processing your request more effectively.

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