Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Year of Having More Fun: The 2013 Non-Resolution Update

Why, hello, long lost readers. For the five of you who follow and hang on my every word, I have to apologize for the long time between posts. I guess, in one way, it's a positive sign that I've been making good on one of my 2013 non-resolutions: to have more fun. Not that writing this blog isn't my idea of great time, but I've actually been up to some pretty interesting things lately. Our weekends have been full of activities other than watching Netflix, making for a very exciting 2013.

Here's a picture diary of what we've been up to in the past few months:

I spent the better part of 3 Saturdays helping folks move and proving that girls are good for more than just bringing the lemonade to a moving party. Lesson learned: Eight hours of heavy lifting= day off from yoga.  Sometimes being a decent friend and daughter has its fringe benefits.

The Hubs and I participated in his company's annual family 5K. Despite the fact that I forgot to wear my ghetto fabulous earrings, I still managed to beat him to the finish line. Lesson learned: While wearing earrings during workouts may make me *feel* fabulous, they clearly aren't very aerodynamic. Also, having someone to beat makes running worthwhile.
My running buddy Rebecca and I pulled off a 10K together, even managing to score some sweet finisher medals, despite our less-than-thrilling finish time of 1:17, a full 10 minutes slower than I completed this same course last year with another friend. Did I mention that *both* friends became pregnant when they started training for this race with me? Lesson learned: I think someone should make a classy bronze statue of me with the title "Fertility Goddess of Running." Also, spending close to an hour-and-a-half of my life sweating and pounding my joints doesn't seem nearly as tedious when done with a friend.

The Hubs and I spent a couple of hours at an indoor trampoline gym with good friends of ours bouncing around like kids. And, yes, this is probably the best picture of me available. All that bouncing doesn't make for great photo composition, my friends. Lesson learned: Clearly neon shoes are making a comeback. Also, sometimes having fun is a far better workout.

Also on this same trip, we managed to hike down 480 steep steps in the rain to see one of Costa Rica's most beautiful sights, the La Fortuna Waterfall. This photo was *clearly* taken before I recalled that we also had to go up those same 480 steps to exit the park. Lesson learned: Glute and thigh workouts come in all forms, and this was definitely the prettiest way to cripple myself for the next three days!

 My friend Allison and I decided to hang with our Peeps (yes, those are blue marshmallow chicks). We actually didn't get a workout in during this photo shoot, but we *did* manage not to eat a single one of those fluffy little bits of sugar comas. That in itself was a victory for yours truly, and proof that all fun with food does not necessarily involve eating it.
The Hubs and I took a vacation to Costa Rica, where we walked along a series of super cool suspension bridges to explore a rainforest. Despite the fact that the entire Arenal Hanging Bridges only covered a 3.1K loop, it was a lot more challenging than any 5K we had done. Lesson learned: Having fun can be hard work. Nature is a beast.
During this same trip to Costa Rica, we also went rappelling down waterfalls. Let *that* sink in for a moment. It was clearly one of the most epic adventures we've ever had, despite my knee injury from treading in water that was unexpectedly deep, and not from the exciting activity itself. Lesson learned: If there is a way to sustain an injury, I will find it; so I might as well get hurt doing something fun. Also, I learned just how much better The Hubs looks in pictures than I do. Which is why his photo is here, and not mine.

So this wasn't exactly my usual blog post, but I hope these photos inspire you to go out and have some fun this weekend. Who knows? You may just get a workout in the midst of making memories!

Move happy, my friends!